
Thought Leadership
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Why Origin Image Pricing Outperforms Traditional Pricing Models for Image Processing

Discover why Origin Image pricing offers a fair, transparent, and efficient approach to image processing, overcoming the drawbacks of traditional models.
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Alfredo Deambrosi
August 6, 2024
Best Practices

From Attention to Emotion: The Power of Images in Creative Work

Visual media amplifies creativity for designers, artists, and content creators. It captures attention, conveys complex ideas quickly, and serves as a powerful tool for artistic expression. By embracing diverse visual techniques, from traditional to AI-driven, you can expand your creative horizons and craft compelling narratives. Learn to leverage visual storytelling to evolve as an artist, push boundaries, and stand out in today's visual-centric digital world.
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Mette Adams
August 6, 2024
Thought Leadership
Best Practices

Q3 Product Release Webinar: Advanced Rendering Features, Enhanced Security, and Seamless Integrations for Your Visual Content

Watch our Q3 Product Release webinar to discover our latest features including AI-generated alt text, masks, video watermarking, facial blur, SVG sanitation, expiration timestamps, and more.
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Michelle Su
August 6, 2024
Product Announcement

Webinar: Unlocking the Future of Marketing with AI-Powered Images

Discover how AI is reshaping marketing in our on-demand webinar accessible for viewing anytime. Gain practical insights to implement AI strategies in your digital storytelling and stay ahead in the evolving marketing landscape. Boost your marketing skills and drive better results.
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Mette Adams
August 2, 2024
Best Practices
Thought Leadership

Create with Confidence: Safeguarding Your Content Through Responsible AI Practices

AI has ushered in an exciting era for content creation, offering capabilities that were once the stuff of science fiction. However, as we advance in our use of intelligent tools, it is essential to uphold responsible practices to ensure both legal and ethical integrity.
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Michelle Su
August 1, 2024
Customer Success
Best Practices
Thought Leadership

Tutorial: Generating Social Images with imgix

Learn to create social media images by layering imgix parameters using the builder pattern. Follow our guide for efficient and flexible image transformation.
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Luis Ball
July 26, 2024
Best Practices
Customer Success

Tutorial: Dynamically Coloring E-Commerce Product Photos

Learn how to dynamically change e-commerce product colors to improve the flexibility and performance of your images. Follow this guide for easy implementation.
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Michelle Su
July 16, 2024
Best Practices
Customer Success


私たちは、デジタルコンテンツの作成と最適化を向上させるために最新機能のリリースを発表します。クリエイター、マーケター、開発者向けに設計されたこの新機能は、コンテンツ管理と画像編集を簡素化し、ユーザー体験を向上させ、労働集約的なタスクを自動化することを目的としています。AI駆動の背景置換(background replacement)、自動キャプション付与、カスタマイズ可能なグラデーションフィル、ブルーハッシュ、優れたGIF圧縮の新機能を活用して、ビジュアルメディア戦略を強化する方法をご紹介します。
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Taichi Kanemoto
May 14, 2024


ウェブサイトにとって、画像の速度と品質を向上させることは単なるアップグレードではありません。製品を展示する場合もコンテンツを共有する場合も、視聴者にブランドを高速かつ鮮明に体験してもらうための変革的なステップです。その結果、注目を保ちながらコンバージョンとエンゲージメントを向上させる、よりスムーズで魅力的なユーザージャーニーが実現します。 imgixのautoパラメーターは、この競争優位を提供するために設計されています。画像最適化の核となる部分をクリック数で簡素化するデフォルト設定のベストプラクティスをご覧ください。これには、コーディングの必要はありません。
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Taichi Kanemoto
May 7, 2024